Make Money in the Legal Field -- Without Going to Law School!
Have a business website? A personal web site? A Facebook or MySpace page? You could be making money with Standard Legal.
Standard Legal's do-it-yourself legal forms software covers such a wide variety of common legal topics that just about any business or personal web site can match the interests of its target audience to a title that makes sense.
Have a family or social site? Just about every family can use a Will to protect the their assets and a Living Will to tell their family about their health care wishes if they have a tragic accident or illness.
Many businesses need to Incorporate, form an LLC, or create an Employee Manual.
People sell real estate, get married or divorced, file for bankruptcy, and much more -- EVERY DAY.
Take a quick look at the list of legal forms software titles offered by Standard Legal and it's easy to make connections between the content of a personal or business web site and a one of our offerings.
So how can you make money? Standard Legal offers its affiliate partners a 50% commission on sales they help generate! Simply place a link from your website to Standard Legal, add some personal thoughts or ideas on how our products might work for your readers, and watch what happens. This is a significant revenue opportunity -- and all you have to do is help people by telling them about a way to solve common legal issues in an affordable way!
Please take a minute to read the information about Standard Legal's Marketing Partners Program. It's easy to implement and is a great money-making option in the legal field!
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