Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Use Common Sense When Making Legal Choices

Hiring an attorney. Handling a legal matter yourself "pro se". Creating your own legal documents. Using a legal document preparation service.

A person always has choices when it comes to dealing with any law related issue. But some of those choices make more sense than others.

If you are facing litigation, if you want to file a lawsuit against someone, or if are caught in some type of criminal or civil case, it is wholly unwise to handle such a matter on your own. Any time a trial is expected or you will have to "wage legal war" to resolve a dispute, it's time to find a lawyer. [Click here to find a qualified attorney near you for any type of legal matter for FREE!] Unless you have a substantial amount of legal knowledge, representing yourself in a substantial courtroom proceeding is, simply put, a bad idea.

But if you are looking to handle a common legal matter, like creating a Will or a Living Will, filing a Deed, creating basic Real Estate Contracts, filing for Incorporation or LLC for your business, creating an Employee Manual, even handling some types of straight-forward Bankruptcy and Divorce cases, you have the option of representing yourself and saving the high cost of attorney's fees. In such cases, you can use do-it-yourself legal forms or you can have a professional create completed forms for you through a legal document preparation service.

Which ever route you decide to go, make certain you do plenty of research in advance, and use common sense in making your final decision. You wouldn't operate on your own gall bladder, but you certainly can take a couple of aspirins when you know you have a headache. Use the same type of common sense approach when making decisions on handling your legal issues.

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