Standard Legal is constantly updating its software forms. We make changes to the baseline content of the forms quite frequently, as laws change, local or state requirements are adjusted, etc. Some updates are bigger than others; this latest one is big.
We are currently in the process of making all of our PDF format forms even more user friendly by updating to a "Version 5".
The primary benefit of this new v5 format is that it allows Acrobat Reader users to fill in the answers to the legal form fields and then SAVE the document with the fields fully completed and retained.
Also, these newly updated PDF forms handle the form field "prompt information" differently. Each form field in the PDF format has a corresponding "?" mark in a yellow circle that provides written guidance as to the wording or information that is to be entered into that specific line; it's now even easier to understand the request for each field and then complete it.
Details of the PDF upgrade can be found
Standard Legal has updated more titles to its new Version 5. Now all of the following titles are posted as v5 files:
Last Will & Testament
Living Will
Employee Manual & HR Legal Forms
Living Trust
Land Contract
Quitclaim Deeds
Premarital Agreement
Separation Agreement
Power of Attorney
Previous buyers of any of these titles can log in to the online version to access these most recent forms. (Use the links provided upon the completion of your transaction.)
The remainder of the v5 titles will be updated soon!